Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Social Politics

Why do people feel the need to get all political on Facebook? I understand that everyone has their opinions, and sometimes when you feel strongly about an issue you just want to sound off or get the word out. But here's the thing: unless you're a skinhead or a complete douche, you probably have friends at all ends of the spectrum. And we friended you because we were interested in what you were doing, which is presumably more than raging passive-aggressively against meat-eating, embryo-killing, oil-pumping, illegitimate-baby-fathering, gay-marriage-legalizing, praying-in-school "morons." Once in a while, I understand, and I overlook. But if everything you post is complaining against this-or-that, you have to know that I'm going to hide you. Or maybe unfriend you. Because it's called a SOCIAL network. Call me shallow, but I like to keep things social. If I have something that I think some like-minded friend would enjoy or sympathize with, I message it to them. Or post it on their wall. That way, everyone is not subjected to my every thought (don't even get me started on Twitter).

I'm probably the only one who cares about this. But just wait. One day I will start Two-FacedBook, and it WILL be a political network. And it will take over the world, like SkyNet. Until then, if you HAVE to be political, why not write something that will do some good, like a letter to your Congressperson or mayor?


  1. I TOTALLY AGREE!!! We are less than a month away from a federal election here, and everyone and their bloody dog has an opinion and won't SHUT UP about it!!!! Every now and again, I'm sure I've been guilty of doing the same thing occasionally, but not all the time like some do. You're absolutely right, it's a social network, and we want to know what people are up to, not where they are on the political spectrum. Thanks for was good timing, cause it's been bugging me too lately!

  2. And as the cherry on top, my mother sent me a video today on why our national debt is so big (a pretty simplistic & biased viewpoint, at that). Doesn't she have anything to do at work besides troll Yahoo for news stories or forward lolcats to me?
